This November election, the Deer Valley Unified School District Bond and M&O Override are on the ballot. This funding directly impacts Deer Valley students’ education, safety, and futures. We can’t afford to vote no.
A bond provides funding for capital projects. Bonds are sold to investors and paid overtime from property tax collections. This bond is designed to do all this without increasing your tax burden.
The M&O Override equips DVUSD with the resources needed to supplement the school funding that our district receives from the state and helps fund full-day kindergarten.
Supporting Students By Empowering Voters
We support the best education and safest environment for our DVUSD students and ensure they continue to be the center of the equation. Our mission is to create a space for open communication and factual information sharing, breaking down the Bond and M&O initiatives so that you can make informed decisions with a vote YES to support our DVUSD students.

Shaping Tomorrow Through Today's Actions
To create a community of ambassadors of school funding and ensure the commitment to educational excellence, providing a bright future for our DVUSD students.
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Supporting the bond and override for our school district is an investment in our community’s future and a direct vote in favor of our children’s success. By voting yes, you are championing initiatives that will provide safe, state-of-the-art learning environments, reduce overcrowding, maintain and improve school facilities, and ensure access to quality education including full-day kindergarten, arts, and athletics.
Now, we have the opportunity to help Deer Valley students by voting YES to continue its maintenance and operations (M&O) override and YES to approve a bond to address student growth and repair and maintain its facilities.
The District has operated with an override in place for many years and uses this funding for salaries, programs and services for students. The bond is needed to improve student safety, build new schools, repair existing facilities and add technology. Both issues are renewals and will not increase your property tax rate.
Please join me in continuing to support Deer Valley. Your YES votes for the bond and override will enable the district to continue operating at current levels and maintain its academic excellence.
Deer Valley bond funds will be used to:
• Increase student safety and security
• Improve energy efficiency across the district
• Purchase new, energy efficient buses
• Prepare for additional student growth
• Repair and renovate existing school facilities
• Purchase new technology for the classrooms
When the bond is approved, all funds stay in the district AND your property tax taxes WILL NOT increase. I believe one of the best investments we all can make in our community is in our public schools. Reward a quality school district with exceptional academic results. Please vote YES for Deer Valley Unified school bond because Deer Valley students are counting on us. As a former Governing Board member, I cannot express the feeling of making hard decisions about cutting programs, elective classes, etc. because the district can no longer properly fund the resources necessary to support it.
A YES vote will alleviate that hard decision from the current board and allow them to focus on other important issues at hand.
And now, as both a community member and parent, I understand that this override funding provides the opportunities our children need to succeed in a global economy - I want my children to have the best resources available, and I know others do as well.
We have an opportunity to make our voices count for the betterment of our families and our district.
Please join me in saying yes to wise investments that improve not only school quality but also property values, at no additional cost to this community.
This new bond cycle will allow the district to make safety upgrades to older schools built before current best safety practices, put on-on-one technology in all students' hands, and plan for and build schools to meet the exploding growth of our district so that our current schools will not become overpopulated.
Additionally, because Arizona fund capital projects like building, vehicles, and repair/replacement needs so poorly, the bond will be a vital lifeline to replace ancient buses, as well as enable the district to repair or replace items with huge price tags like HVAC systems, roofs, and school grounds.
The bond will allow DVUSD to safeguard its reputation of excellence because its student and its staff.
A YES vote on the Deer Valley Unified School District Bond will continue to improve safety and security throughout the district, extend the life of existing facilities, improve air quality and comfort level for students and staff, improve accessibility for students, staff and visitors, enhance energy efficiency, and protect property values in our communities.
DVEA encourages a YES vote on the Bond to support our students, campuses, and communities. Our students deserve a YES vote.
Additionally, the AP and Dual Enrollment courses I took in high school enabled me to enter college as a freshman with credits already earned toward my degree. The motivated and caring teachers and administrators at DVUSD, along with the challenging and practical academic curriculum, have been invaluable to me as I continue on my collegiate journey.
The Deer Valley Unified School District is asking voters to renew an existing budget override and to approve a bond. Voting YES on both measures will provide much-needed funding for the district and will NOT increase your property taxes.
Deer Valley is an exceptional district experiencing tremendous growth. The override provides the funding necessary for staffing and services, as well as classes and programs for students. The bond will increase safety and security, add new technology, complete building repairs and renovations, as well as advance plans to build new schools for incoming students.
We have a civic responsibility to support our students, and I urge you to vote YES for Deer Valley Unified School District budget override and bond elections. Our students are our future leaders, and they deserve our continued support!
Deer Valley does an exceptional job of educating its students and is recognized for its academic excellence and strong financial management.
For years, our public schools have not received the funding they need to adequately educate the students they serve, and Arizona continues to rank near the bottom for education funding in the United States.
Now, we have the opportunity to help Deer Valley students by voting YES to continue its maintenance and operation (M&O) override and YES to approve a bond to address student growth and repair and maintain its facilities.
The District has operated with an override in place for many years and uses this funding for salaries, programs and services for students. The bond is needed to improve student safety, build new schools, repair existing facilities and add technology.
Both issues are renewals and will not increase your property tax rate. Please join me in continuing to support Deer Valley. Your YES votes for the bond and override will enable the district to continue operating at current levels and maintain its academic excellence.
We cannot afford to go backwards in educational support and funding. I encourage you to continue investing in our future and vote YES on the DVUSD Bond and Override.
It is proven that districts and communities that are involved in the maintaining and development of critical infrastructure in their district enjoy a higher-than-normal rate of return on personal property values. Bond measures are equally important as any measure that involves developing better community-based infrastructure, no different than Fire or Police. This year’s Bond is critical to maintain the high level of performance that the community has become accustomed to from DVUSD both for today’s and tomorrow’s student population.
Join me in voting YES for the DVUSD bond.
Voting YES on both measures is crucial for preserving the quality of our schools without increasing your taxes. These initiatives will extend the current bond and override, ensuring ongoing funding for essential resources, including classroom upgrades, technology, and vital programs that directly benefit our students. This support will help manage class sizes, cover 8% of DVUSD salaries to retain our talented teachers and staff, enhance safety updates across all campuses, and plan for future student growth, enriching our children's educational experience.
Your YES vote is a commitment to the educational tools our students need, and safe campuses they deserve without creating a financial burden on our community.
Deer Valley is an exceptional district experiencing explosive growth. On November 5th, voters are being asked to renew the district's existing budget override and to approve a bond lo address safety, security and facility needs.
The override funds teacher and staff salaries, full day kindergarten and critical programs for students. The bond will increase student safety and security, add new technology, complete building repairs and renovations as well as planning construction of new schools for the additional students. Both issues are critical and needed to address present and future needs.
Please join me in supporting Deer Valley Unified School District’s bond and override. Your two YES votes will help our students, protect our property values and will not increase your property taxes. By voting YES, you are investing in our future and helping to mold our students.
The DVUSD bond is a critical investment in our schools. It will fund crucial projects like facility repairs, technology upgrades, safety enhancements, and new school construction. Some of our students come from homes without access to home computers or other educational resources, making it even more important that our schools are equipped to support their needs.
It is important to know that the bond will not increase property tax rates, maintaining our current level of funding. Voting YES is a vote for ensuring all our students have the tools and environment they need to succeed.
Let’s unite to support our schools and our children’s future. Vote YES on the DVUSD bond!
For parents like me, this bond is more than just a financial measure—it’s about ensuring our children have access to safe, modern, and supportive learning environments. It will fund key projects such as technology for every student, and safety upgrades on every campus, making sure our schools are well-maintained, secure, and equipped with the latest tools for learning.
A vote YES, this election for the bond will not increase property tax rates, it is a continuation of what property owners are already paying.
Let's come together to ensure that all our children have the opportunities they deserve.
The Deer Valley Unified School District Bond will not increase taxes. The bond will be used for essential district- wide improvements and the construction of a new elementary and high school. Given the challenges of modern life, creating a safe and functional learning environment is paramount. Our children deserve the best.
Please join me in supporting this bond, which will fund essential opportunities for growth and improve our schools well into the future.
I strongly support this measure because: Approximately 16,000 new housing units will flood the district whose facilities need safety and security enhancements, structural maintenance, improved instructional materials and resources, technology devices for every student, replacing outdated buses, and building a new elementary and high school. The bond will NOT raise taxes and may even increase homeowners’ property values!
Funding provided by this bond is also needed for the safety and academic success of our students, including to keep our schools safe with needed facility maintenance and upgrading security measures, and maintaining a one to-one technology ratio provided to all students. A citizen’s bond oversight committee is in place to ensure funds are spent on time, on budget and as promised!
Please join me in voting YES in support of our schools, at no additional cost to our community. Our students are the future. We owe them the best!