What is a Bond?

A bond provides funding for capital projects. Bonds are sold to investors and paid over time from property tax collections. This bond is designed to do all this without increasing your tax burden. It’s a responsible way to build up the schools our children need.

When you vote “yes” on the DVUSD bond, you’re not just approving a project list. The 2024 DVUSD Bond will pay for necessities, like general maintenance for our school campuses, technology at a one-to-one ratio, putting technology into the hands of every student, safety upgrades to protect our children and school personnel, and construction of a new elementary school and the first phase of a new high school where we are seeing significant growth in our district and so much more. Without bond funding, these major projects that focus on school safety, security, and growth cannot be started, putting our district and students years behind. 

What Will the Bond Pay For?

The $325 million bond on the ballot is a critical step toward reshaping our school district to meet today’s demands and our schools’ expectations for tomorrow. This bond represents a commitment to maintaining and elevating the educational experience for every DVUSD student.

The initiatives will fund the basics like new flooring, interior and exterior painting, HVAC servicing and replacement, roofing repairs, concrete resurfacing, restroom renovations district-wide, and more. It will also include safety improvements that our school campuses desperately need like automatic door locks, allowing teachers to secure their classrooms swiftly during emergencies. It will expand security cameras and update fire alarms and intercom systems, weaving a tighter safety net around our children.

The bond will continue the district’s commitment to putting technology in each student’s hands to prepare them for the future. Funds will also be used to replace outdated buses with safer, more reliable transportation. With this bond, we can also plan for growth predictions in our community, with new construction on some of our current school campuses, the first phase of a new high school, and the building of a new elementary school, ensuring our schools can welcome a growing student population.

Voting yes is a vote for our children’s future, ensuring they have the tools and resources necessary to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.


Safety and security upgrades for campuses including automatic locks, fire alarms, and intercom systems


New devices to support our 1:1 initiative, replacement plan, network infrastructure upgrades, and peripherals


Building repairs like HVAC, LED lighting, roofing replacements, painting & resurfacing, water conservation & irrigation


Replace aging buses and district vehicles with more modern, safe vehicles to support student and staff travel


Building a new elementary school and the first phase of a new high school to support student population growth


The modernization of K-6 campus libraries to provide students improved learning environments and technology

Plus makerspace improvements/replacements, playground improvements, water conservation/irrigation, CTE expansion/improvements, extra-curricular support, and much more!

Will this Increase my Property Tax Rate?

No! In the upcoming Bond Election, the Deer Valley Unified School District is taking a significant step forward without stepping on the toes of our taxpayers. This $325 million initiative aims to enhance student safety, security, and education, covering everything from technology upgrades to new buses. The meticulous planning by the district bond committee ensures that all these essential projects are funded without increasing the tax rates for homeowners.

The estimated average monthly cost on the average assessed value (not market value) of a $259,650 home is $15.12/month, which is a continuation of the tax already being assessed from prior bond authorizations. This bond is designed to not increase the tax burden on residents within the DVUSD boundaries.


A bond election is needed to address critical needs in our schools: upgrading older facilities to improve safety, filling funding gaps caused by state capital funding reductions for technology, textbooks, school buses, and other essentials, and building additional facilities to accommodate growing student enrollment.

The 2024 bond initiative focuses on enhancing Safety & Security, upgrading Instructional Resources, advancing Technology, undertaking Building Renewal, promoting Conservation, improving Buses, and accommodating Student Growth within the Deer Valley Unified School District.

To see specific examples of the direct impact the previous bond initiative had on our community schools, visit Recent School Improvement Projects

The bond will cost an estimated average of $15.12 per month based on the average assessed home value of $259,650. Importantly, there will be no tax rate increase for homeowners, as this cost continues the tax assessment from prior bond authorizations.